Hm I don't get that whole b/w vs color debate. It depends on the scene, subject etc if it 'looks good'. And even then: it's not about what's right or wrong (that should be a good thing about art, right?) Great photo's! I like the car in color, a nice 70s vibe I guess?

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Author

Maybe the debate is blown out of proportion. I'm sure there is only a tiny number of people who believe all photographs should be only one way or the other. But then there are people who just love black & white, and are always saying how some photo or other would look so much better that way. And the people who see the world in color and just don't get why someone would want to drain a picture of that color. So I guess there are shades of grey in that debate.

But also, decades ago, serious art photographers only shot b/w. Color photography was viewed as commercial. It took a long time for people like Eggleston to make their mark. I'm glad that's past.

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Yeah glad now people can have civilized discussions about this right ;-) :-D

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Great shots. I often have to find feature photos for the Local section for the newspaper I work for. A few years ago it started publishing strictly in black and white. This has trained me, when looking for these local feature photos, to see in black and white. If I see a rainbow or monarch or whatever, I'll shoot it for me or publication down the road in color, but I know I still need to find that feature photo that will translate in black and white. It's actually been a pretty cool exercise for my brain.

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It takes a practiced eye, I think. The first step is to stop using color when composing. I was recently talking with someone here not long ago about it. They had written about having to imagine how certain colors will show up on your b/w film. So that's kind of a next-level thing.

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I like to shoot in both but I see your point. Nice images.

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